“The mind is not
a vessel to be filled
but a fire to be kindled.”
- Plutarch
We created Bloom so learners can be empowered to use their unique passions to create a better future for themselves and the world. To do this, we must consider ourselves not as teachers who disseminate predetermined information - but as guides who help stoke the flame of meaningful learning. We are a resource for our learners and will facilitate the process of learning AND a love of it as well.
"When I chose to homeschool my children it was in the hopes that I could give them the gift of time—time to be children, time to make mistakes and fail in a safe environment, and time to take however long they needed in the process of learning, at a pace that was right for them. When the idea for Bloom was sparked I felt as though I was about to embark on a great frontier of education reform. I felt as though I needed to be a part of making education what it should be. We dreamed of building an educational environment in which we could give other children the time and space they need to learn whatever it is their hearts desire, and to support them emotionally, socially, and spiritually. Our hope is that, in doing so, we can leave this world better than we found it.”
Kristen Cuffari, M.A., SLP
Kristen is a state-licensed Speech-Language Pathologist and received her Masters in Communication Sciences from Case Western Reserve University in 2006. She lives with her husband and two young children in Strongsville, Ohio. Her professional work experience includes five years working at the Monarch School for Children with Autism in Shaker Heights followed by a brief position in private practice before she decided to be home full time to raise and homeschool her children. Along with Beth, she also previously held a position on the administrative team of a local homeschool cooperative comprised of 25 families. Kristen has worked with Beth to co-found Bloom in an effort to establish a more holistic, self-directed educational opportunity for her own children and others.
At Bloom Kristen works primarily with the younger children, fostering an environment that promotes early literacy and math skills, and enhances social-emotional learning through play and sensory experiences. She also leads engaging weekly science lessons!
“At the back of my mind, I always thought about how I’d love to start a school one day. It’s a dream I had since I was a child playing “school” with my dolls - a dream I just knew in my heart would happen at the right time. I love learning, creating, and sharing with others - it’s when I feel most alive and energized! Growth is so potent and powerful! It’s human nature to want to learn and grow and we’re wired to create and connect. We need more places like Bloom that support the unfolding of these intrinsic qualities. Personally, I am dedicated to the awakening of human potential so we can all live our best lives - happy, whole, connected, and purposeful.”
Bethany Springer, M.Ed.
Bethany has spent over two and a half decades working in educational settings ranging from birth through adulthood, as well as home educating her two children before founding Bloom. Previous work experience includes tutoring in classrooms and client homes, special needs early intervention specialist, and teaching in private and public schools from kindergarten to college. She previously helped create a homeschool cooperative with over 25 families, and was on the administrative team along with Kristen. She is also a holistic wellness educator who has created a variety of workshops and classes in yoga, meditation, and stress management techniques. She co-founded Bloom to realize a dream of changing the world through holistic, self-directed education.
Bethany guides the older children at Bloom, focusing on self-discovery, metacognition, positive/growth mindset, daily holistic wellness practices, and applying the “5 C’s” of 21st Century Learning and Innovation Skills within each child’s personal learning journey. Her activities include math, language arts, and PBL.
Wendee LeFebvre
Learning guide
Wendee has been homeschooling her four children for the last 15+ years, and has graduated her oldest two children. Born and raised in Northeast Florida she found herself in Northeast Ohio and jumped headfirst into her homeschooling journey when her oldest were five and three years old. When she looked for an all-inclusive support group and was unable to find it, Wendee started one of the largest all-inclusive homeschooling groups in Northeast Ohio. There she made connections and learned a lot from the homeschool community. In 2018, she joined the administration team of a local homeschool co-op, where she met Kristen and Beth.
Wendee’s homeschool philosophy has developed over the years and ultimately created an environment for her children to grow and learn, each in their own way. Every child is different and has different needs. She believes a child should enjoy what they are learning and the rest will follow.
At Bloom, Wendee works with the kids in a safe and judgement-free space where they can work at their own pace and be excited about what they are learning!
“I can tell you are very passionate about what you do; there is a clear reason for your unique approach: to cultivate authentic, joyous, life-long learning. I am most excited that your main focus is the CHILD and that you value creativity and a more holistic, balanced approach to learning.”
-A Bloom Parent
As Bloom grows, we’ll be looking for passionate + progressive educators to join our staff!
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